
Help reduce stigma for both patients and the family and the general population.

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Support for Children, Teens, Young Adults and Families Affected by Cancer

CANSA TLC staff help children, teens and young adults with cancer, and their loved ones, cope with their cancer diagnosis and treatment at our CANSA TLC Facilities, various oncology wards, online and through the CANSA Free2Bme Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) site.

Casting Light on Lymphoma: Understanding a Stealthy Disease

12 September 2023 – CANSA marks World Lymphoma Day on 15 September, raising awareness of lymphoma, a cancer impacting thousands of lives. This annual event highlights the importance of early detection, advancements in treatment, and the determined spirit of individuals living with lymphoma head-on.

World Health Day – Listen to Your Gut

27 March 2023 – CANSA emphasises the importance of colorectal health on World Health Day (7 April). Colorectal cancer, is among the top three for men and women in South Africa according to the National Cancer Register (2019). Previously colorectal cancer was associated with older adults, however younger adults are being diagnosed more frequently. CANSA promotes regular cancer screening, especially if there is a family history of colorectal cancer, or if any warning signs present to investigate this by making an appointment with a medical health practitioner and take steps to lower the personal cancer risk.